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Student Support And Resources

Additional training and tutorials

Every effort, within reason, will be made by AAMC Training staff to ensure a successful outcome for its students. Additional training and / or tutorial may be negotiated. Note: some options may incur additional costs. 

Reasonable adjustment

Trainers/assessors are permitted to make any modification to the learning environment, certification requirements, training delivery or assessment method used to help students with disability to access and participate in education and training on the same basis as those without disability. 

AAMC Training are obliged by law to make reasonable adjustment to support maximum participation of students who have a learning disability. This includes;  

  • ensuring that course activities are sufficiently flexible;
  • providing additional support where necessary; and
  • offering a reasonable substitute within the context of the course where a student cannot participate.

AAMC Training will make every reasonable effort to ensure that it can accommodate a student’s needs. However, sometimes those needs are beyond the assistance that can reasonably be provided by AAMC Training (for the purposes of LLN assistance, “reasonable allowance” is defined as the provider being able to accommodate the student’s needs without significantly disadvantaging other student’s involvement in the course, or without causing the training provider significant financial disadvantage). 

Individuals who require additional help with their literacy and numeracy can access information about their nearest LLN provider by calling The Reading Writing Hotline (supported by the Department of Education and Training) on 1300 655 506 or refer to their website at Any costs incurred will be the responsibility of the student. 

If students require extra support or counselling, they are encouraged to make contact with a member of our team for assistance. If we not able to assist we may refer the student to appropriate support services, listed below. 


Counselling/Personal support


Mental health websites

Launched as part of the Australian Government’s National E-Mental Health Strategy, this site is a trusted gateway to issues surrounding mental health care and a first step to finding relevant support and resources to meet mental health needs.

Beyondblue’s work is aimed at achieving an Australian community that understands depression and anxiety, empowering all Australians, at any life-stage, to seek help.

Anxiety Online provides information, assessment, referral and treatment for Panic Disorder, Social Anxiety Disorder, Generalised Anxiety Disorder, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder.

Headspace provides mental and health wellbeing support, information and services to young people aged 12 to 25 years and their families. is Australia’s leading online youth mental health service. It’s a perfect place to start if not sure where to look. It’s got information on everything from finding motivation, through to getting through really tough times.

Jean Hailes’ vision is physical and emotional health and wellbeing in all its dimensions for all Australian women throughout their lives.